Commercial Pest Control

Soon Critters Will Be Seeking Refuge From the Cold – Are You Giving Them an In?

As the fall takes hold and the cooler temperatures flood the area, many pests and critters will soon be looking for refuge

As the fall takes hold and the cooler temperatures flood the area, many pests and critters will soon be looking for refuge. As the seasons change, there is always an increase in pest and rodent populations looking to weather the storm. The best way to keep your home pest- and rodent-free is by being proactive. When it comes to pest control in Charleston, SC, prevention is always way less expensive than cleaning up after an infestation. Here are some helpful tips to keep your home pest- and rodent-free for the fall and beyond!

Seal Crevices and Cracks

If you have an older home – and in some cases, even a newer one – even the smallest cracks and crevices can be an entry point for pests and rodents. It takes very little room for them to make their way indoors. Use either steel wool or caulk to seal crevices and cracks on the exterior of your home; that way, you will cut them off before they can make their way in!

Keep Things off the Counter

It isn’t just about keeping rodents and pests out; don’t invite them in to begin with. Left-out food is basically a beacon calling them in for some nourishment. If you have food in a pantry, make sure to use airtight sealed containers so that bugs can’t make their way in. Also, make sure that pet food is covered tightly. Insects and rodents don’t make the distinction between pet food and human food.

Close Garbage Can Lids

Most people store their garbage outside, but generally close to the house for convenience. All that garbage sitting and composting smells like heaven to rodents and insects. Make sure that you move the garbage cans away from your home and use lids to keep everything out. Otherwise, pests will find a way to forage and feast!

Moisture Control is a Must

Although moisture and humidity might not be as high during the winter, they can still be a concern. Use a dehumidifier in the house to draw out moisture. Pests love dark and damp spaces like attics, crawl spaces, and basements. If they get in, they won’t just stop there – so it is important to keep them completely out!

Firewood is a Great Haven for Pests – Kill the Trojan Horse

Campfires and fireplaces are a great way to warm up and enjoy the cold weather. But wood is also a great Trojan horse for insects to make their way indoors. Make sure that you store your firewood at least 20 feet from your home and up off the ground. Mice, termites, and ants all love nothing more than to burrow in for the season and enjoy the indoors once let in!

As we head into fall, rodents and other critters will become more active in looking for a place to find shelter. Make sure that you bar them from gaining entry into your home by following these quick and easy steps. Above all, make sure to hire Lowcountry Pest Specialists for routine pest control in Charleston. We are the experts who do it all and keep your home pest-free all throughout the year! Schedule your appointment today!