Pest Control

Feeling Out of Control With Mosquitoes Outdoors? We’ve Got the Answer!

As summer continues, things are hot, humid, and itchy. Nothing can ruin a good time outdoors more than being eaten up by mosquitoes.

As summer continues, things are hot, humid, and itchy. Nothing can ruin a good time outdoors more than being eaten up by mosquitoes. If you feel like you have no control over the mosquito population, now is the time to take action. Mosquitoes are not just irritating; they can also jeopardize your health. Googling “mosquito control near me” might not be enough. Here are some reasons to hire Lowcountry Pest Specialists today!


At Lowcountry Pest Specialists, we take care of all of your pest needs. We understand how irritating mosquitos can be. We also know that mosquitoes can carry diseases like West Nile and Zika viruses. Our environment in Charleston is especially favorable for mosquitoes. We target the many different mosquito species so that you get the best coverage to eliminate them across the board.


Pest control might not be rocket science, but there is a science to it. At Lowcountry Pest Specialists, we have the industry knowledge and experience to know what works where. Only proper application of pesticides that are targeted to break the lifecycle of adult mosquitoes will get your yard under control. If you allow them to breed, your entire landscape can become overrun, and getting it back under control becomes more problematic.

Providing Tips and Tricks for Homeowners

Hiring a mosquito company is one of the most essential parts of getting mosquitoes under control, but there are also some steps that you can take to limit their growth in the first place. Always look for areas where water can collect and eliminate them so that eggs can’t be laid there. Remove any containers where water can collect and place drain holes into containers in your yard if they can’t be thrown out. Also, keep your screens closed at all times so that you keep mosquitoes outdoors instead of allowing them inside.

Prevention is the Key

As humans, we tend to only address a problem once we know about it, but when it comes to mosquito control, prevention is the key. At Lowcountry Pest Specialists, we offer a comprehensive service to prevent pest control issues before they become problematic. Our mosquito control services are included in our general pest control packages, so you don’t have to think about making that call come spring – we are already on it. Our mission is to keep you as pest-free as possible all year long!

Mosquitoes are not only annoying; they can lead to diseases like Zika and West Nile. Simply Googling “mosquito control near me” might not get you what you want. Go one step further to choose us for these and many other reasons. We provide the most comprehensive set of services in the industry and go to great lengths to keep you and your family safe and pest-free all year! Contact us to make your appointment today!